Real business addresses


You can choose from 62 prestigious business addresses worldwide. From Germany to Europe and around the globe. You can manage your incoming letters and parcels conveniently via the virtual postbox online and in TempulseMail. So you can continue to be based in Germany with your business and company and still be present and in demand worldwide.

Attractive business addresses

Choose one of over 62 prestigious addresses worldwide and take your company to an international level.

Are you a freelancer who likes to travel a lot and enjoy life in the most beautiful places on earth alongside your work? – Then you enjoy a high degree of freedom, except for one thing. Your mail is left in your letterbox at home while you are away. It would be much better if you had unrestricted and centralized access to your mail despite long stays abroad. The same applies if you have a company that wants to tap into international markets. Prestigious business addresses are the first important factor that must be fulfilled for a successful international presentation. With TempulseMail, you can choose from over 62 such prestigious business addresses worldwide. Your mail arrives in a virtual mailbox and is available to you digitally anywhere and at any time. You save yourself a lot of time and stress that you would otherwise have with physical mail from all kinds of countries. Local business addresses are also a sign of trust for your potential customers.

Your options

With TempulseMail, your options for international business addresses span five continents and 62 different cities. That means your dream of a valuable downtown address can come true with just one partner worldwide. Take a look at the locations where you can register your business address. You can choose one location or several. Thanks to our virtual assistant, the registration of each individual address is completed in just a few minutes. They can be used immediately with all their advantages. One of them is that there are real employees at each address to receive and digitize your letters and parcels. Thanks to these employees, you can be sure that your mail is in good hands and that your business address has nothing to do with a dubious letterbox company.

Advantages of TempulseMail

You can choose from over 50 business addresses worldwide

International customers will trust your company more quickly thanks to a local business address

In no time at all, you can lay the foundations for opening up new markets, reaching new customers and increasing your sales

You can receive both letters and parcels at all addresses

You focus on internationalization without having to invest huge budgets

Your new addresses are registered and ready to go in just a few minutes